An original procedure to save a Falling Implants with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser. The Implant mount is set on the falling implant then is unscrewed and decontaminated with the laser : under 2w of power, 55% of water and 65% of air, 35Hz. The procedure of de-contamination of the implant is slightly fastidious and must follow the threads from bottom to the top. Then the implant is replace mechanically.

Gingivectomie Palatine au Laser Er,Cr:YSGGOrthodontic_Canine_Exposure.html
Biopsie Fibrome Labial au laserLabial_Fibroma.html
Tatouage GingivalGingival_Tatoo.html
Freinectomies LaserLaser_Freinectomies.html
Lambeau de dégagement VestibulaireApically_Repositioned_Flap.html
Autres Cas Cliniques Traités au Laser Laser_Clinical_Cases.html
Split Crest + Décontamination ImplantaireSplit_Crest_+_Imp.Decontamination_+_Implant_Placement.html
Prélèvement ConjonctifPrelevement_Conjonctif.html
Implant FracturéFractured_Implant.html
Mand. Autgraft Laser Ass.Mand._Autgraft_Laser_Ass..html
Résection Apicale LaserApicoectomy_LA.html
Deuxième Temps ImplantaireImplant_Discovery.html
Ostéotomie ExostosesExostosis_Osteotomy+_Implants.html