The Laser implant bed preparation is about the same as the one in the upper maxillary. The critical point is the precise vaporisation of the cortical to the exact diameter of the implant neck. Then the osteotomy of the spongious bone can be undersized in diameter as in length.

On the HT Vaporization pict it can be observed the “ablation channels due to the absorption of the laser energy by the hydroxyapatite and water  (chromophores) contained in bone.

    At this stage a bone expansor or a simple countersink will be use.

    The insertion will be force using a self tapped/self threaded implant with a ratchet and a high torque (100-170Ncm).

    The healing cap will be chosen in function of the emerging profile and will provide a “sealing of the implant preparation“ (surgery tap).

As the surgery is very minimally invasive even a topic anesthetic can be apply to provide the whole

surgery with the Erbium.

Gingivectomie Palatine au Laser Er,Cr:YSGGOrthodontic_Canine_Exposure.html
Biopsie Fibrome Labial au laserLabial_Fibroma.html
Tatouage GingivalGingival_Tatoo.html
Freinectomies LaserLaser_Freinectomies.html
Lambeau de dégagement VestibulaireApically_Repositioned_Flap.html
Autres Cas Cliniques Traités au Laser Laser_Clinical_Cases.html
Split Crest + Décontamination ImplantaireSplit_Crest_+_Imp.Decontamination_+_Implant_Placement.html
Prélèvement ConjonctifPrelevement_Conjonctif.html
Mandibule Autograft Lasser AssistedMand._Autgraft_Laser_Ass..html
Ostéotomie ExostosesExostosis_Osteotomy+_Implants.html